The Vistek engineered art installation, ‘House of Mirrors’ by Keith Courtney and Christian Wagstaff, is off to tour North America. Great news for Courtney and Wagstaff and their very talented crew at Creative Production Services. They first conceived and produced the mesmerising ‘House of Mirrors’ for MoMA’s Dark Mofo Festival in Hobart in 2016. Visitors have been captivated by walking through the haunting and beautiful structure ever since. Vistek played its part in the original design by providing the structural engineering services.

Fundamental to the brief was that the whole structure could be easily dismantled and taken on tour. This was excellent forward thinking. No one knew how successful it would be and how far it would go back in 2016. However, it has now toured around Australia and Singapore. Next, it will soon be arriving in Toronto to kick off a sojourn in North America.

The team at Vistek always enjoys the creative challenge that unique structures such as art installations present. Working on this project was no exception. We are pleased to see it has been so successful, and so many visitors have been able to enjoy it. See more of our work with Creative Production Services here and here, or have a look at our news page to see more of our projects.