Vistek recently partnered with The Urban Developer to consider the future of mass timber in Australia. In particular, we looked at the advantages of mass timber for developers. It was a great chance to explore the many opportunities the material presents.

You can read the article by clicking the image below. Then, if you’re still keen to find out more about mass timber and CLT, take a look at our overview of the sector here.

How Timber Construction is Transforming Australian Development - The Urban Developer

Here’s a snippet examining some of the advantages of mass timber that are appealing to developers:

“A lot of people are first drawn to mass timber because of its green credentials. However, for the vast majority of projects mass timber needs to also prove viable from a commercial perspective. We are finding that two key features of mass timber are driving its growth on this front.

First and foremost is the speed of erection onsite. The ability to dramatically reduce the time onsite presents huge savings to projects exposed to financing costs and the costs associated with running a site … Secondly, the agility and lightweight nature of mass timber is unlocking potential projects on difficult sites that would be impossible using conventional building techniques.”

Read the article for more!